
Showing posts with the label stuck in job

The Financial Trap

  Starting a new job is an exciting phase in life, filled with aspirations and dreams. However, in the pursuit of fulfilling those aspirations, many individuals fall into a financial trap that affects their career choices, creativity, and overall well-being. This blog explores the common patterns that lead to this trap and sheds light on the long-term consequences individuals face as they find themselves stuck in a cycle of loans and EMIs. The Initial Desires and Loans: As people embark on their careers, they often have basic necessities to address. However, the desire for luxuries and fulfilling personal desires can lead them to take loans. These loans, although initially satisfying, can turn into a burden that haunts individuals for a significant part of their lives. The EMI Fear and Stifled Creativity: As the weight of EMIs starts to loom over individuals, fear and anxiety kick in. The constant worry about meeting financial obligations can suppress their creative instincts. The focu